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Fragen und Antworten zum - Bartels AutoEngineer®

Fragen zur Bartels AutoEngineer® Entwurfsdatenbank und zu den Symbol- und Bauteilbibliotheken

Bartels AutoEngineer® Questions and Answers

Die folgende Information ist im Augenblick leider nur in Englisch verfügbar. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.

FAQ150-001 How can I access the object oriented database?
You can list, copy, update or delete objects including inherited sub-objects using the appropriate functions from the File menus. The copyddb utility program can be used to copy selectable DDB class entries between different files and User Language functions are also provided for accessing and/or manipulating BAE design database entries.
FAQ150-002 Does the DDB file contain all necessary project data?
Yes, even a local (design-specific) library extract for archiving purposes. Local symbols can be modified and later updated or copied back to the central library. Since the BAE Design DataBase (DDB) is object oriented, it knows of all inherited objects such as pads on padstacks or parts during copy or update operations.
FAQ150-010 How do I graphically create new library parts?
Please use the same SCM and GED functions for symbols, parts, pads as you would use for schematics and layouts. Please select the appropriate type when using the create element function. The part menus chose padstacks to be placed as pins when used on part level. On padstack level, pads are chosen for placement. The same is true for the schematic editor with symbols or special labels and pin markers. There are also some very useful User Language programs for library management provided with the BAE software, such as e.g. lsymedit, genlmac and llibutil. We strongly recommend to read at least Chapter 4 of the Bartels User Language Programmer's Guide, even if you do not intend to do User Language programming. The BAE User Language programs are provided in the baeulc directory. Use one of the batch files (cpldll.bat, cplsll.bat or baeulcpl.bat) for automatically compiling the User Language programs. For compiling a single program, simply apply the User Language Compiler as in:
> ulc progname -O Return/Enter Key (CR)
FAQ150-011 What else is required for library parts?
A library part definition usually consists of the schematic symbol, the corresponding physical layout part and the logical library definition (provided with a logical library definition file). A physical layout part can be used by more than one schematic symbol, if necessary, additional attributes such as the schematic symbol name can be passed. The logical library definition file describes the assignment, pin/gate/group-swap information, internal nets and additional information like bus synthesis commands or hierachical block calls. It can be a single or multiple lines per part. Please do not forget to run loglib on the layout library and/or on the specific job to create or update logical library definitions.
Baumeister Mediasoft Engineering » Bartels AutoEngineer » BAE Support » BAE FAQ » Datenbank, Bibliothek

Fragen zur - Bartels AutoEngineer® Entwurfsdatenbank - und zu den Symbol- und Bauteilbibliotheken • © 1985-2025 Oliver Bartels F+E • Aktualisiert: 19. November 2009, 18:17:11 GMT

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© 2025 Manfred Baumeister

Bartels AutoEngineer® Design Database, Symbol/Part Libraries - English Version Fragen zur Bartels AutoEngineer® Entwurfsdatenbank und zu den Symbol- und Bauteilbibliotheken - Deutsche Version