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Fragen zur Bartels AutoEngineer® Benutzeroberfläche

Bartels AutoEngineer® Questions and Answers

Die folgende Information ist im Augenblick leider nur in Englisch verfügbar. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.

FAQ120-001 How do I correct mistakes?
Please use the multi-step Undo, Redo feature. Undo and Redo can also be used to verify different design options.
FAQ120-010 Can I change display settings such as Zoom or Colors whilst working in another function?
Simply hit the middle mouse button for activating the online Display menu whilst working in any other function. You can also name color palettes for automatic load on preferred layer selection. Note that the middle mouse button interaction is also simulated by pressing both the left and the right mouse button simultaneously.
FAQ120-020 How can I rotate a part or create an arc in a trace?
Please hit the right mouse button for a specific submenu of the currently active function. These submenus provide specific functions such as size change, any angle rotate, step back, arc-shaped trace or exit.
FAQ120-100 How can I change key bindings and/or menu assignments?
The bae_deffuncprog, bae_defkeyprog and bae_defmenuprog User Language functions can be used for key programming and menu assignments. See the uifsetup User Language program for an example on how to activate predefined key bindings and menu assignments in different BAE modules. Note that uifsetup is intended to be automatically executed during BAE module startup for setting up key bindings and menu assignments; you can customize (change and recompile) uifsetup. Please see (or simply use) the keyprog User Language program for an example on how to perform online key programming.
FAQ120-110 Does BAE also support Windows-like pulldown menu user interfaces instead of the BAE standard menus with pop-up?
The Windows and Motif versions of the Bartels AutoEngineer software can be configured to support either the BAE standard side-menu or the windows-like pulldown menu user interface. You can easily switch between the different user interface types via BAE setup even after installing the BAE software.
FAQ120-200 Which X11 interface is used together with the workstation version?
We are using X11R5 Xlib through a central C module called XWINGRAF, which, together with the HGRAF module, creates the Bartels AutoEngineer look and feel.
Baumeister Mediasoft Engineering » Bartels AutoEngineer » BAE Support » BAE FAQ » Benutzeroberfläche

Fragen zur - Bartels AutoEngineer® - Benutzeroberfläche • © 1985-2025 Oliver Bartels F+E • Aktualisiert: 19. November 2009, 18:17:10 GMT

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Bartels AutoEngineer® User Interface - English Version Fragen zur Bartels AutoEngineer® Benutzeroberfläche - Deutsche Version