This section describes the
Bartels User Language index variable types for general
User Language data access (STD).
BAEPARAM - Bartels AutoEngineer Parameter
BAEPARAM index variable type provides access to the list of the currently activated BAE parameters. The structure definition of
index BAEPARAM { // BAE Parameter Index
int IDCODE; // Parameter Type/Ident. Code
int TYP; // Parameter Data Type:
// 1 = int
// 2 = double
// 4 = string
int VALINT; // Parameter Integer Value (if TYP is 1)
double VALDBL; // Parameter Double Value (if TYP is 2)
string VALSTR; // Parameter String Value (if TYP is 4)
The source code of the
baeparam.ulh User Language include file provides the list of valid parameter type codes (i.e., valid values for
IDCODE ) as well as function templates for retrieving specific BAE parameter values.
GLOBALVAR - Global User Language Variable
GLOBALVAR index variable type provides access to the list of the global
User Language values currently defined with the
varset User Language system function. The structure definition of
index GLOBALVAR { // Global User Language Variable Index
string NAME; // Global Variable Name
int TYP; // Global Variable Data Type:
// 1 = int
// 2 = double
// 3 = char
// 4 = string
Once a global
User Language variable has been scanned with the
GLOBALVAR index, the
varget User Language system function can be used to retrieve its value.
Standard Index Description (STD) • © 1985-2025 Oliver Bartels F+E • Updated: 26 June 2010, 00:10:05 GMT