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2.4 Special SCM Functions

Bartels AutoEngineer® Documentation

2.4.1 Virtual Symbols

Special design items such as legend boxes, company logos, etc. can also be defined as virtual symbols, and then placed to the circuit drawing. Use the following commands to place the logo symbol for displaying the Bartels company logo:

SymbolsLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Add SymbolLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Part Name ? Return/Enter Key (CR)
Library Element Name ?logo Return/Enter Key (CR)
Move to [190,10]Left Mouse Button (LMB)

2.4.2 Groups

Group functions belong to the most powerful BAE features. These functions can be used for tasks such as move, copy, delete or replicate arbitrarily selectable parts of the design.

The group functions are featuring set principles. Elements can be added (selected) to or removed (deselected) from the currently defined group. Highlight display is used to indicate group-selected items. The Group Polygon function is used to select and/or deselect parts, traces, areas, texts or elements of any type by defining an area around the items to be selected. The Group Elements function is used to select and/or deselect single elements of a certain type (symbols/labels, connections, graphic or text) by picking the desired items. The Group Elements function will stay active with its parameter settings as long as valid pick elements are selected (thus omitting the need of reactivating the Group Elements function when selecting a series of objects of a certain type). The Reset Group function is used to deselect all items which are selected to the currently defined group. All group-selected elements are subject to subsequent group functions such as Save Group, Move Group, Copy Group and Delete Group.

The Save Group function is used to save the currently defined group. The Save Group function requires a group origin definition which becomes the origin of the new element and is used as the reference point for group load commands When saving groups they are stored as an element of the same type as that from which the group was selected. To prevent from unintentionally overwriting existing database elements, Save Group prompts for confirmation if the specified element already exists in the destination file.

The Load Group function can be used to reload previously saved groups (as well as SCM sheet and/or symbol/label elements) to different SCM plans and/or symbols/labels. I.e., the Save Group and Load Group functions can be used for a variety of tasks such as replicating circuitry, saving and loading SCM templates, stealing from existing and proven designs, etc.

Pressing the right mouse button during group movement operations such as Move Group, Copy Group or Load Group will activate a submenu which provides functions for placing the group to relative or absolute coordinates (Jump Relative, Jump Absolute), or rotating and/or mirroring the group (Rotate Left, Rotate Right, Set Angle, Mirror Off, Mirror On).

The Group Macro function is used to replace group-selected symbol macros (on SCM sheet level) or marker macros (on symbol level). This function is most useful for fast part or pin type replacement (technology change). Attribute assignments and text positions from the original elements are transferred to the new elements if possible.

The Load Group function first resets the currently defined group to deselect all currently group-selected elements before performing the load operation. After successfully loading a group, all loaded group elements are automatically group-selected. The advantage of this feature is that loaded group elements (and only these objects) can be subject to subsequent group functions without the need to perform any group selection and/or deselection.

Use the following commands to select a group containing the switches S1004, S1005 and S1006 and copy that group to the right:

GroupsLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Group PolygonLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
AllLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
SelectLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Move to [50,10]Left Mouse Button (LMB)
Move to [110,10]Left Mouse Button (LMB)
Move to [110,80]Left Mouse Button (LMB)
Move to [50,80]Left Mouse Button (LMB)
Right Mouse Button (RMB)
DoneLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Copy GroupLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Move to [70,70]Left Mouse Button (LMB)
Move to [130,70]Left Mouse Button (LMB)
Reset GroupLeft Mouse Button (LMB)

With the commands above three symbols and two labels have been placed, and a series of connections have been generated. Note that the system has performed automatic part naming on the copied symbols.

If you have executed all operations of this paragraph correctly, then sheet1 of your circuit diagram should look like the one shown in figure 2-8.

Figure 2-8: SCM Sheet Demo/Sheet1

Figure 2-8: SCM Sheet Demo/Sheet1

Don't forget to save the circuit drawing with the following commands:

FileLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Save ElementLeft Mouse Button (LMB)

The save operation can be activated at any time. It is recommended to save the design generally after a certain time of editing to minimize any possible loss of data caused by power failure, hardware crash, etc.

Group Symbol Numbering

The submenus to be activated during group placement with the Load Group, Move Group and Copy Group functions provide the New Names option. This option renames and/or renumbers all currently selected parts according to their symbol part name patterns with part numbering starting at 1, and collisions with existing part names being avoided. This feature can be used for creating consecutive part numbering for the currently selected symbol group.


2.4.3 Plug Pin Assignment

With the operations above we have defined the complete (logical) circuitry of our project on sheet1 of the schematic drawing. What still is missing is the plug pin assignment, which we can define on a second schematic sheet of the project file.

Use the following commands to create a second sheet named sheet2 in job file demo.ddb and place the text string Plug Pin Assignment:; also place the x_subd9b plug symbol and assign value xsubd9bl to the $plname attribute of that symbol:

FileLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
NewLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
SheetLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
File Name ?demo Return/Enter Key (CR)
Element Name ?sheet2 Return/Enter Key (CR)
A4 LandscapeLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
TextLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Add TextLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Text ?Plug Pin Assignment: Return/Enter Key (CR)
PlaceLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
SymbolsLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Add SymbolLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Part Name ? Return/Enter Key (CR)
Library Element Name ?x_subd9b Return/Enter Key (CR)
PlaceLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Assign ValueLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Move to SymbolLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
$plnameLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Attribute Value ?xsubd9bl Return/Enter Key (CR)

You now should connect the signals Vss, Vdd and the bus signals OUT(0-3) of BUS to the plug symbol (see figure 2-9 for pin assignments).

Figure 2-9: SCM Sheet Demo/Sheet2

Figure 2-9: SCM Sheet Demo/Sheet2


2.4.4 Net Attributes

Bartels AutoEngineer supports net-specific attributes for controlling the Autorouter such as trace width, minimum distance, net routing priority, and power supply routing width.

Place both the label NET and the symbol att_rw (net attribute ROUTWIDTH) as shown in figure 2-9, connect the pins of the NET label and the att_rw symbol with each other and assign a value of "0.5" to the $val attribute of the att_rw symbol. This net attribute assignment will cause the Autorouter to route the net named NET with a trace width of 0.5mm.

Place the label Vdd as shown in figure 2-9 and connect this label to the att_rw symbol (with value "0.5" for the $val ROUTWIDTH attribute) and to the att_md symbol (with value "0.4" for the $val MINDIST attribute). These net attribute assignments will cause the Autorouter to route the net named Vdd with a trace width of 0.5mm and a minimum distance (i.e., spacing) of 0.4mm.

Use the same procedure as described above to define a trace width of 0.6mm for the net named Vss (place label Vss and connect it to symbol att_rw with a value of "0.6" for the $val attribute).

Bartels AutoEngineer also supports the PRIORITY and POWWIDTH net attributes for controlling the Autorouter. See the description of the loglib utility program for more details on net attribute definitions.

Finally, place the Net Attributes: text string to the circuit diagram as shown in figure 2-9 and don't forget to save the circuit drawing.


2.4.5 Tag Symbols

Tag symbols can be used for assigning attributes and/or attribute sets to (groups of) parts, pins or nets. This feature can also be used to introduce more complex design information such as preferences for test procedures or logical relations between parts, pins and/or nets.

The Symbol Tagmode function from the Symbols menu can be used to change the currently loaded symbol to either a Netlist Tag or a Virtual Tag. Netlist Tag assignments are transferred to the physical net list. Virtual Tag assignments are only processed on SCM sheet level.

The SCM color setup provides the Tag Symbol and Tag Link entries for displaying tags and/or tag assignments. Usually, tags are not plotted.

Tag symbol pins of certain types are required for assigning tag symbol entries to nets, symbols or pins, respectively. Tag Pin Function from the submenu to be activated with the right mouse button during pin placement can be used to define the pin mode. The pin modes provided are Standard Pin (for standard symbols and labels), Symbol Tag (for assigning tags to symbols), Pin Tag (for assigning tags to pins) and Net Tag (for assigning tags to nets).

At least one attribute should be defined with each tag symbol by either placing the required attribute name on tag symbol level or by defining a fixed attribute value assignment with the logical library definition of the tag symbol. In the logical library definition of tags each tag symbol pin must be referred by a loglib pin command. Pure attribute definition tags must be defined virtual.

On SCM sheet level, tags can be placed using the Add Symbol function from the Symbols menu. Once a tag is placed, the Assign Symboltags function can be used for assigning tags. The target objects to be selected with the Assign Symboltags function must correspond with the tag pin types of the selected tag symbols, i.e., either a symbol, a pin or a net named by label can be assigned to each tag pin. The attribute value assignments of net list tag symbols are automatically transferred to the assigned target objects by the Packager. Special processing of predefined attributes such as $plname, $rpname, $routwidth, $powwidth, etc. stays in effect. The $routwidth attribute can be tagged to pins to define pin-specific routing widths by assigning the required millimeter distance value.


2.4.6 Templates

Certain parts of the circuitry such as legends, plug pin assignments or router control definitions often are quite similar or even equal for different designs. The Bartels AutoEngineer data base concept supports multiple use of such circuit design templates, i.e., templates can be defined and referred as if they would be library elements. Templates can be saved and copied either by using group functions (Save Group, Load Group) or by applying the Save Element As function from the File menu and utilizing the copyddb utility program for copying requested SCM elements to desired project files.


2.4.7 Exiting the Schematic Editor

Don't forget to save the currently edited SCM element before exiting the Schematic Editor:

FileLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Save ElementLeft Mouse Button (LMB)

Returning to Main Menu

Use the following commands to return from the Schematic Editor module to the BAE Main Menu (BAE Shell):

FileLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Main MenuLeft Mouse Button (LMB)

The currently loaded SCM element will automatically be saved when returning to the BAE Shell. Use the following commands to return from the BAE Shell to the operating system:

Exit BAELeft Mouse Button (LMB)

Exiting BAE

Use the following commands if you wish to exit BAE from the Schematic Editor:

FileLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Exit BAELeft Mouse Button (LMB)

The Exit BAE function activates a confirmation prompt if the element currently loaded to the Schematic Editor has not yet been saved. In this case you should abort the Exit BAE function, save the current element, and then call Exit BAE again, as in:

FileLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Exit BAELeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Please confirm (Y/N) :n Return/Enter Key (CR)
FileLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Save ElementLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
FileLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Exit BAELeft Mouse Button (LMB)

Subsequent Tasks

Use the following command from operating system level (e.g., under DOS) to list the project file(s) created in this chapter.

> dir demo.* Return/Enter Key (CR)

The job file demo.ddb contains the all SCM sheets of the schematic circuit as well as a logical, unpacked net list. The next task of the design cycle would be to apply the Packager for translating the logical net list into a physical, packed net list (see chapter 3.2). After successfully packaging the net list the printed circuit board design can be created using the BAE Layout modules (see chapter 4).

Baumeister Mediasoft Engineering » Bartels AutoEngineer » BAE Documentation » BAE User Manual » Circuit Design » Special SCM Functions

Special SCM Functions • © 1985-2025 Oliver Bartels F+E • Updated: 4 April 2011, 11:02:57 GMT

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© 2025 Manfred Baumeister

Special SCM Functions - English Version Spezielle SCM-Funktionen - Deutsche Version